Intellectual Disabilities Group Homes Annual Report

Corry Counseling of LECOM Health

ID Group Homes

FY2021-2022 Annual Report

Program Description

The ID Group Homes offer people with intellectual and developmental disabilities an opportunity to live with peers in homes located in residential areas in the community. There are two homes in the Corry Area. The Community Group Homes are supervised 24-hours a day by qualified staff. There were no significant changes in FY 2021/22.


8 individuals reside in the agency homes. There are 3 males and 5 females. All are Caucasian. 2 clients were in the age range 26-45; 3 were ages 46-64; and, 3 were age 65 or older.


There are 9 full-time and 8 part-time staff positions. Over the course of the year, there were 5 hires and 6 resignations. One of the resignations was of the Program Specialist; a replacement was hired at the end of June.


This program does not measure productivity.

Licensure visits/FWA/Quality Audits

The PA ODP annual licensure visit occurred on 11/9 and 11/10/21. A full license was issued. For the Spartansburg home, there were no violations. For the Worth Street home, there were 2 violations (the same violation occurred twice): assessments are to be completed within 1 year of previous assessment; each individual is to have an assessment within 1 year or 60 days after admission to the residential home and updated annually thereafter. A full license was issued.

Client Satisfaction Survey Results

8 individuals responded to the survey. 2 are verbal and the other 6 have limited verbal skills or are non-verbal. Staff assisted each person in filling out survey. All responses to survey questions were “satisfied” or “very satisfied,” with the exception of one neutral response in regard to opportunities to meet with friends and family.

Outcome Results

For FY 2021/22, the following outcomes were identified for the group homes with a target of 100% of the time specified:

· The Spartansburg home will engage individuals in 1 daytime and 1 evening activity each day.

· Worth Street will engage individuals in 1 daytime and 1 evening activity each day and 1 community outing per month.

Results were:

At the Spartansburg home, individuals were engaged in 1 daytime 95% of the time and 1 evening activity 91% of the time.

At the Worth Street home, , individuals were engaged in 1 daytime 72% of the time and 1 evening activity 59% of the time. The goal of a monthly community outing was met 100% of the time.


Activities at the Spartansburg home include movies, puzzles, coloring, playing catch, instrument play and games. They use easy to engage in activities. Sparty individuals only spend short amount of time doing activities except when watching TV/movies. Sparty individuals are not very ambulatory and staff engage individuals in short activities wherever they are at.

Worth Streets activities include coloring, games, baking/cooking, dancing, and exercising and doing crafts. They do like to spend time in the community, going on picnics or rides. Worth Street individuals enjoy doing activities and outings with staff. Worth Street staff may not have recorded all of their activities, thus the percentage is low. They did 100% of group outings throughout the year. The challenge for Worth Street was having only 1 staff available and sometimes it does require 2 staff to help Worth Street individuals to stay on task. Most cannot be left alone to continue an activity independently.

The outcomes for FY2022-2023 will be as follows with the target of 80% of the time specified:

· The Spartansburg home will engage individuals in 1 daytime and 1 evening activity each day.

· Worth Street will engage individuals in 1 daytime and 1 evening activity each day.

Worth Street group outings will be encouraged but not tracked.

Expectations for the coming year

Over the course of the coming year, the homes plan to re-organize records with the goal of making data more easily accessible. This will include eliminating unnecessary paperwork, decreasing handwritten documentation and storing records in a way that allow them to be more easily located.

The second goal is a full complement of staff.