Family Based Mental Health Annual Report

Corry Counseling of LECOM Health

Family Based Mental Health

FY2021-2022 Annual Program Report

Program Description

Family Based Mental Health (FBMH) is an intensive in-home program that provides structural family therapy to children and their families who are experiencing serious emotional and behavioral issues and are at risk for in-patient hospitalization or residential placement. This program is voluntary and can be authorized for up to an eight month period.

FBMH teams are comprised of a master level therapist (Mental Health Professional) and a bachelor level therapist (Mental Health Worker). FBMH services include: assessment of needs and their priority, resolution of immediate crisis needs through the development of a Safety and Crisis Plan, development and implementation of a Comprehensive Treatment Plan, linkage to informal supports and collateral services as needed, therapeutic support, guidance and skills building for the family as well as planning and support for discharge. The FBMH program also provides a 24 hours/7 days a week on-call support line.


During this fiscal year, 61 unduplicated clients were served. Of the clients served: 32 were female, and 29 male. In regards to race: 51 were Caucasian, 3 African American, 5 Bi-Racial, 1 American Indian, and 1 Hispanic. In regards to age: <5 = 1, 6-13 =29, and 14-18 = 31. There were 4,423.5 hours of services provided.


There are seven full time positions in the FBMH program: one supervisor and three teams of 2.

One bachelor level team member left the program in March 2022 and that position remains vacant at this time.


The FBMH teams undergo 3 years of training through the Philadelphia Child and Family Therapy Training Center, Inc. to further enhance their clinical skills and better serve the needs of families. Therefore, the FBMH teams request that families consent to videotaping sessions on occasion. This is for the purpose of supervision and on-going training.

FBMH staff attended training through the Philadelphia Child and Family Therapy Training Center. All current staff members have completed the three-year training. The supervisor attended 10 half days of supervisor training through Zoom, and the “graduated staff” attended 10 half days of booster training through Zoom.

The FBMH supervisor and teams completed 4 on-line (Relias) trainings:

· Fire Safety

· Motivational Interviewing

· Therapist Resilience & Vicarious Trauma

· Assessment & Treatment of Individuals with TBI

In addition, the FBMH supervisor and staff attended 3 other webinars through the Philadelphia Child and Family Therapy Training Center.

· Homicidal Behaviors and Structural Family Therapy

· Family Therapy for Youth with ASD and ID

· LGBTQ+ and ESFT (2 parts)


The FBMH program productivity was 110% with a range of 103.5%-113% for individual staff. This is a significant increase from the previous year due to the decrease in COVID restrictions and staff having full caseloads.

Licensure visits, FWA and quality audits.

On May 25, 2022, the FBMH program had a licensure visit. A full license was granted. There has not been a FWA or quality audit in the past year.

Client Satisfaction Survey Results

Client satisfaction surveys were completed in January. There were 8 client surveys completed. In addition to the five statements to which all agency clients were asked to respond, the two specific statements for FBMH clients were: “I feel safe to express my opinion and feel like I am being heard” and “The FBMH team is helping us work together better as a family.” 100% of the respondents answered agree or strongly agree. 100% of the respondents answered agree or strongly agree to all questions.

Outcome Results

The defined outcomes were improved family functioning and goal achievement. Outputs were number of clients seen, appointments attended, units of service delivered, and type of services provided. The data source was the client satisfaction survey completed at the close of services. The indicator was agreement or strong agreement to the questions 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 on the survey. The target was at least 85% agreement. Of the 18 clients who completed surveys, only one question, #6, met the target. However, the majority of responses that did not “agree or strongly agree” from clients were “unsure” as opposed to “disagree or strongly disagree”. This is believed to be in part due to early discharges from the program.

FBMH Satisfaction Survey Results FY 2021/22

Expectations for the Coming Year

The program has been at capacity for many months. However, there continues to be a decrease in family engagement which has resulted in, more than average, an increase in early discharges. It is anticipated that we will continue to receive referrals from different sources and remain at or close to capacity. The program continues a collaborative working relationship with Millcreek Community Hospital in regards to in-patient admission and discharge of our clients.